Chapter 1

Going  Against The Grain of your Culture 

"Many people go through the similar  pangs  of regret concerning their  decisions about dating  , courtship and marriage.

Relationship  that are appealing at the outside  can turn distasteful with time . The gentle wound of Cupid 's arrow can become painful thorn in the flesh  , and many who swear by their commitment to each other soon find that they are swearing  at it 

A lot of Christians really want  to experience the uniqueness of a Christian Home , they 're unaware of  Non-Christian  pressures of our culture that greatly weaken  that desire . All too often , before , they 've developed spiritual discernment , their ships are blown off course  by prevailing winds ."

My Experience 

2  relationship she had experience . 1 which in built on the foundation  of God 's principles and another none . The relationship with a Christian guy . read in more detail . Click Here ! And her experience after the break off , She focus on God . No longer search for a new relationship..

The new relationship marked by lack of physical involvement ) , they really get to know each other goals, dreams  and background  . They knew each other better and more of his personality"

" My overwhelming  emotion at that pt was one of respect which eventually melted into  genuine love .The world knows little of this kind of love - the variety that says  ," I  know you well - your strengths and your  faults - I accept you anyway  When we married a year later , we both convinced that God had led us together and that our relationship was " The Lord 's doing  and marvelous  in our eyes 

My comments ! - Mostly  after, a failure in relationship , We seen in the case that she focus on God instead of searching for a new one . This was good . And this time she  knowing the person  more without any physical involvements. Nowadays , before we could know the person in real person , there had  been physical involvement . Thus this didn't help to built a good relationship! 

Secondly .She awaited for God timing !

[Ctd next page ]


background music = Angel .

My thoughts- There are time we are looking for  the Person who we loved , being our angels of our heart .Anyone who have the lyrics of this song email me !